Rotary’s goal today is to create environments where peace can be built and maintained through sustainable and measurable activities in communities worldwide. Peacebuilding remains a cornerstone of our mission as a humanitarian service organization.
Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of our peace centers. The Rotary Foundation partners with premier universities to offer master's degrees and professional development certificates in disciplines related to peace and development. Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops the capacity of peace and development professionals to become effective catalysts for peace. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study expenses. Clubs have the power to shape the next generation of peace leaders both by recruiting and recommending peace fellows, and by keeping them engaged during and after their fellowships. Applications are being accepted through May 15th.
Want to learn more about peacebuilding? Take the Rotary Positive Peace Academy course. Through this academy, you will strengthen your knowledge and identify concrete ways to enhance and engage in Rotary’s work in peace and conflict resolution and the Areas of Focus – all via a Positive Peace lens. CLICK here to go to the Positive Peace Academy.